When my kids were little, I remember doing 4 loads of laundry per day. There was even one time I took all the laundry to the laundry mat because I had so much I couldn't do it at home. (We had all been sick for about three days...not a pretty sight!) I counted the washers, we used 32 of them! That must have been some kind of record! Maybe I should have called Guinness. Afterwards, I had tennis elbow from lifting all the laundry out of the washers...like I said...not a pretty sight.
I would joke to my friends that if I didn't make it to heaven I knew what Satan would have ready for me...I would be sentenced to work throughout eternity in the laundry room of Hell!
Now that season of my life has passed...I only do laundry twice a week now and sometime just look for stuff that needs freshening! I no longer mind doing it and find a feeling of accomplishment in having all the dirty piles neatly put away, smelling nice and clean.
So as weird as it sounds, my blessing for today is doing laundry! Isn't it strange how God takes the very things we feel are awful and makes them into blessings?
Isaiah 49:22-23 (The Message)
The Master, God, says:
"Look! I signal to the nations,
I raise my flag to summon the people.
Here they'll come: women carrying your little boys in their arms,
men carrying your little girls on their shoulders.
Kings will be your babysitters,
princesses will be your nursemaids.
They'll offer to do all your drudge work—
scrub your floors, do your laundry.
You'll know then that I am God.
No one who hopes in me ever regrets it."
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