Someone left me a message on my desk. It is a precious message, one that holds great love and adoration. It is a message that warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye. It is beautiful. It is kind. It is from my grandson.
Many times I miss the blessing because of the simplicity. I expect greatness and complexity to hold the most meaning, but the opposite is true. It is in the simple that I can accept myself as who I am, and can accept others as who they are. I try to hide behind a mask of beauty, intelligence, rightness: but the truth is I am none of these. Strip them all away and I am simple: not beautiful, but nice looking in my own way; not intelligent, but I study hard to grasp as much as I can; the only rightness I have was given to me by Christ. Pretty simple, eh?
But God intended it to be that way and I am satisfied with it. He looks at His creation as a Creator. It was simple to Him to make me, though it cost Him much. And because he knows me inside and out I can relax in who I am. He left me a simple message to live by: love. Love God. Love myself. Love others. That's it. Kind of a stick-figure life, isn't it? But precious. A life that warms the heart of The Creator, that is beautiful and kind. A life lived as the daughter of the King.
Micah 6:7-8 (The Message)
How can I stand up before God
and show proper respect to the high God?
Should I bring an armload of offerings
topped off with yearling calves?
Would God be impressed with thousands of rams,
with buckets and barrels of olive oil?
Would he be moved if I sacrificed my firstborn child,
my precious baby, to cancel my sin?
But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don't take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.
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