Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I bought a new bag of food for Luke. He is on a diet because...well because he is fat! When he runs his belly swings back and forth so much I am concerned that he will loose his balance and plow head long into something. I put the new bag in the bathroom cabinet but during the night he decided he had had enough of the diet thing and opened the cabinet, pulled out the bag, and opened it cat style. Gives a whole new meaning to eating disorder.


Kristi Bowers said...


Shane Coffman said...

Taking matters into his own paws...

Good to know he can fend for himself, huh?

Unknown said...

Guess you would never need a cat sitter huh?

Jeanne said...

We use to keep our cat food in a plastic cookie jar. It was the kind that had the lid that had to be turned so the tabs lined up with 3 openings and then lifted out straight to remove the lid. Sounds kid/adult proof, huh??? Not for our cat. We would often come downstairs in the morning only to find she had not only opened the cabinet, but the cookie jar aw well. We even found her with her head the jar eating straight out of it once! She can definately take care of herself!