Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cat Lovers: Do you know what time it is?

If the "ehck ehck ehck" during the night at the foot of the bed didn't give it away...or the lining of new fur on your couch....or the strange floating fuzzy stuff in your morning coffee...maybe this picture will help you remember...
It's hairball time!


Shane Coffman said...

Indeed. Our fellow could use a brushing right now, too.

Years ago, we could/would brush Zorro until we had a hairball equal to the size of our guinea pig.

Linda L said...

I have enough problem with hair falling out of my own head without owning a cat! Glad I don't have to deal with that too!

Terry Rush said...

Ever considered sending the cat through the car wash?

Might get out the deep stuff!

I love you today!