Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Vacation

God gave me a great little vacation...ok an extended vacation...but it has been and is a good one.

Having had surgery on my back for a ruptured disc, I was confined to bed for 2 1/2 weeks, being able to get up for 20 minutes at a time to eat and check email and FB ;). While I was up I was required to wear a brace that is the newest in the line of anti-flattery attire. I still have 3 more weeks of brace wearing and generally 'taking it easy', then weeks of physical therapy.

So why was my vacation so great?

I have learned SO much from our God. He loves me. All the time. No matter what I do or what others around me do. That most of the problems I have are caused by my own selfishness. That I have a choice everyday to wake up and thank Him and praise Him for absolutely everything. Or not.

But that doesn't change one thing about the love He has for me. He is not the one that needs me...But I am the one that needs Him...desperately.

Once I get what He says about loving me, I cannot help but love those around me. All the time. No matter what they do or say. I must choose to deny my selfishness and live only in His love, with His love of others, and be in constant connection to His son Jesus, who was God on earth.

That the choice to live in Jesus is an all the time choice, not just a one time decision. Yes, I am saved and forgiven, but His kingdom and how I relate to it, shows my decision and loyalty. His kingdom is made of people. Good people, bad people, rich and poor people. All of them have one thing in common: They understand that they need Jesus to heal them into a relationship with our Father God. Who loves us. All the time. No matter what. And allow Jesus to use us as his own body to let others know how much God loves them.

And can change them. Change me. Into a person listening and ready for the next way God wants them...wants show His love.

That the body of Jesus is alive and well! Made of wonderful people doing warfare by cooking meals, cleaning house, sending cards, visiting and all people! Thank you Jesus for showing your love through your body of loving people!

I ask forgiveness of all those that I have not shown the love of God in my actions. But really it is not about me. It is all about Him...changing me...changing you...into love warriors. Cross bearers.
Jesus' body on earth.

Talk about a great vacation! I am loving it!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I'm just now catching up on your blog.

Thank you, favorite friend! You are such a wonderful encouragement to me. The love of Christ shines so brightly out of you that it lights up the lives of those in contact with you. I speak from experience. ;-) You are wonderful, and I love you!