Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Giving up Jerks for Lent

My daughters' blog inspired me to change my own blog from "Does God Really Love Jerks" to the above title. After reading the Wikipedia description of Lent though, I decided that my attitude needed an adjustment...(ouch)....and my yucky day of dealing with (ahem) people should be turned around for the glory of God. (Ok...for those who are going "What in the world happened?" I will explain with two words...Insurance Referrals...'Nuff said.) Instead of giving up something though, I liked the idea of actively doing something: giving, volunteering, etc. So my Lent is Random Acts of Kindness. I will look for the person or persons throughout the day that I could easily ignore or, worse, be rude to, and ask God for a way to bless them. So in the reality, I am 'Giving up Jerks for Lent' by making them a focus of Gods' blessings...thus they become 'Kindness Opportunities'. Seriously, this will be a total attitude check for me! For those of you that are giving up things like coffee or french fries, when you crave those and start praying, be sure to include my name in your prayers. This is gonna be hard (but good :) and hopefully will be the beginning of a really cool habit.


Su said...

Okay... I don't know for sure how I ended up here, but since I read your post I decided to comment! I just wanted to share that I love Lent (although it took many, many years to get to that point), I love the extra time to spend praying, reading the Bible, etc., and I really like the feeling on Easter Sunday of having "made it!"

Anonymous said...

That's great! You never know how your random acts of kindness to strangers or those you commonly see but overlook could affect them! They could be having a terrible day and your kindness just turns it around! I went on a retreat recently and found out I inspired someone to return to their faith. You never know how God is using you to impact others!

God Bless and good luck with the rest of the Lenten season!